If you've been asked for an interview you are probably on a short list of no more than six. 如果通知你去面试,你就很可能上了不超过6人的候选名单。
Gather data on these success factors for a short list of managers. 收集几位基金经理在这些成功因素方面的数据。
Etc. Thus one may also look at the first word of the fist line of the incoming request, and if this word matches any word in the short list, one can conclude that the incoming request is using HTTP protocol. 等。因此也可以查看传入请求的第一行的第一个词,如果这个词与这个简短列表中的任何词匹配,则可以得出传入的消息正在使用HTTP协议的结论。
If you search for web application containers that support JSR-181, you will come up with a very short list. 如果搜索支持JSR-181的Web应用程序容器,所得到的结果将非常有限。
The search-results view displays various facets, including scanning device and size, with each facet providing a short list of values. 搜索结果视图显示各个面,包括scanningdevice和size,每个面提供一个短的值列表。
Most of the committers and contributors to Eclipse came from a short list of the commercial vendors, with IBM being the largest contributor of both content and financial and staff resources. Eclipse的大多数提交者和贡献者来自于一个很短的商业公司列表,这中间IBM是最大的内容、经济和人员资源的贡献者。
Once you have the short list of the population to interview, let the interviewing begin! 一旦你有了一个访谈人员的列表,那就马上开始进行访谈工作吧!
From there, you can derive a short list of vendors you really want to talk with& maybe five or so. 从这里,您可以确定真正希望与之进行沟通的供应商列表,其中大约包含五个左右的供应商。
From this short list, you can see that LinSched provides a useful API for constructing scheduling scenarios. 从这个简短的列表,您可以看到LinSched为建设调度方案提供了有用的API。
This short list displays only basic Mercurial commands. 这个简短的列表只显示基本的Mercurial命令。
Write a short list of reasons why you want a husband. 简单列出自己想找老公的几个理由。
There's a short list of names, but we figure when we see her little face, we will know, the Do No Harm star says. 我们准备了一个短短的名字清单,但是我们觉得在我们第一眼看到她那张小脸时,我们自然会知道她叫什么。
Here's a short list of what not to say to avoid insult or embarrassment at any social occasion. 以下便是一些简短的例子,告诉你甚麽是不应该说的话,避免侮辱别人或造成尴尬的场面。
You're on the short list. 你在我的单子上了。
For the things not on your short list, what can you eliminate? 对于那些不在你的清单上的事情,哪些是你可以消除掉的?
Very soon, you should have a short list of brokers and agents that you can choose from. 很快,你应该有一个短的名单经纪和代理商,你可以选择。
I received an email which told me I was not on short list of their company for job seeker. 我收到一封电子邮件告诉我,这是我没有在其公司的求职者的挑选名单上的。
Please consider the short list of MS SQL Maestro main features below. 请考虑短期的名单SQL女士大师的主要特点如下。
Note: this FAQ is a short list of answers to common problems. 本问题集是一个关于常见问题的简短回答汇总。
Who is on the short list of candidates for the job? 谁在这个工作的最后候选名单上?
She's on the short list for a teaching post. 她已列入供最后挑选任教师的人选。
On his short list were Cal, Florida, Michigan, Ohio State, North Carolina and Duke. 他的短名单,分别为华航,佛罗里达州,密歇根州,俄亥俄州州,北卡罗来纳州和杜克。
We were on the short list for the Republican convention. 我曾经上过共和党议会候选人名单。
Neither you nor he have been put on the short list. 你跟他都没被记在名单上。
Another route is to use an agents register which will sell you a short list of sales reps in the areas you require. 另一个途径是通过使用在你要求的领域提供一份短的销售代理清单的代理注册。
This is a short list of recommended editors. 这时一个关于推荐的编辑器的简单列表。
Now think about all the things you do, and how many of them are on your short list. 现在开始思考一下你所做过的事情,这些中有多少是在清单上的。
It would be on my short list were I to purchase now. 将在候选名单上我购买了。
Is Merlin on the short list? 默林是列入决选名单上的候选人吗?
So, there they are, a short list of the people closest to me. 以上就是我的英雄们.我的一小串密友的名单。